If you really want to make this a way of life, consider starting a group on babysitterexchange.com, a free site where you and families you already know and trust can create a group and trade babysitting on a credit system. This would help keep everything fair and very organized!
Investment: Watching someone else's kids for an evening. Depending on their ages, having a friend over could help keep your own kid busy, or you can plan something fun that is better with more kids such as outdoor games and sports.
Instead of: Paying someone to watch your kids.
Savings: $5+ per hour? I may be out of touch with the going rate, so whatever you pay for your number/age of child(ren) and time of day. You can either put the money you would have paid a sitter into the September Savings Challenge, or you can just donate the money you would have spent on a more expensive date.
Bonus: A planned date night with your spouse that won't ruin your budget, plus an opportunity for your kids to play with others.
Tip: Since we don't have kids, we translate this to exchanging dog-sitting! When we go away for the weekend or on vacation, my sister and her husband keep our dog and we take care of theirs when they go away--both dogs have fun playing and no money has to exchange hands.
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