Wednesday, August 13, 2008


There are thousands of articles teaching you how to save money on groceries, but using coupons is an easy way to know exactly how much money you're saving. You probably receive the local grocery circulars in the mail so you can check what's on sale, but also check out the coupons that come with the Sunday paper. If you don't receive the paper, ask someone who does if you can use their coupons. A little time and effort spend on the internet can also yield coupons on your favorite products.  If you want to make this a way of life, consider signing up here for a free resource for all kinds of coupon deals. Make sure you check if there are double or triple coupon days at your store! And remember, coupons can be found for all kinds of products, services, entertainment, online stores...just use that search engine!

Investment: Time for clipping coupons or searching and printing from the internet

Instead of: Paying full price for name-brand groceries and household items

Savings: Your grocery receipt will tell you exactly how much you saved, so you can put that money towards your September Savings Challenge.

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