Thursday, October 2, 2008

October 2: Matthew 10-15

Several familiar parables and stories are told in this part of Matthew, but the one that stuck out to me is the one that happened twice. In Matthew 14, Jesus feeds the five thousand with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish--all were fed and there were baskets leftover. Then in Matthew 15, Jesus was again preaching to a large crowd and the disciples asked "Where could we get enough bread in this remote place to feed such a crowd?" Jesus then proceeded to perform another miracle, feeding the four thousand men with 7 loaves and a few fish.

Why did the disciples question how the people's needs were going to be met when Jesus had already shown them the miracle he could perform?

Why do we question how or if God will bring us through the situation we're facing when He has shown us over and over that he will take care of all our needs?

God has been so faithful in providing all our needs that it is silly for me to think He won't do it again and again. The exercise of remembering all the things He's done that only He could do, helps to ease my anxiety about the future.

My Short List:
  • God filled my need for a wonderful loving husband who supports and appreciates me and is fluent in my love language
  • God provided me and DH with jobs whenever and wherever we desired them. I trust him to lead us in our future career paths as well.
  • God provided me with a place to live in so many situations where it seemed hopeless-spring semester at UNI after a semester on exchange, fall semester my senior year when I needed a place I could leave in December, an apartment in OC that we could afford, and a house in Sibley that is exactly right for us. All of this fell into place by his grace.
  • He has come through time and time again with friends, resources, kind words, and peacefulness that were very much needed.

Praise God who meets all our needs (and gives us baskets full leftover). The disciples asked him for help and their seemingly impossible situation was solved. Let us do the same.

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