Saturday, October 4, 2008

October 4: Matthew 23-28

The last part of Matthew covers the signs of the end of the age and the arrest, death, and resurrection of Christ. The passage that stuck, though, was Matthew 25: 35-46 when Jesus describes a conversation on judgment day between the King and those on his right or left.

In verses 34-40, the King invites into the kingdom those who fed the hungry, gave drink to the thirty, invited in the stranger, clothed the naked, looked after the sick, and visited the prisoner. But, in verses 41-46, he condemns to eternal punishment those who "did not do for one of the least of these".

I struggle with this concept because on its face, it seems to be saying that what we DO (our acts) determines whether we get eternal life or eternal fire. Several other readings have helped to explain why this is not what Jesus was saying

Are good works necessary for eternal life?
A side note in my Quest Study Bible answers that good deeds do not form or lead to or earn salvation. Eternal life results from what God does, not what we do. We are saved by God's grace, not by our works. But, God does intend that those who receive his grace will also do good works. We express our love for God by serving others, not to be saved, but because a heart that truly loves God will be filled with compassion for people.

Our works will never be enough
A teaching titled "Be You...Not what you do!" given by Alice Shirey at Orchard Hill Church on June 7 talked about how we can bring glory to God by just being who we were created to be--nothing more, but certainly nothing less. We were created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do, but if you're trying to DO enough to feel loved or approved by God, "you will be stuck on a treadmill with the off button forever out of reach".

The book of Galatians is all about explaining what it means to be saved by faith. Paul writes to them because they were facing the temptation to live the Christian life through their own efforts instead of by grace.

"You who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from
Christ: you have fallen away from grace. But by faith we eagerly await
through the Spirit the righteousness for which we hope. For in Christ Jesus
neither circumcision nor uncircumcision {symbolizing living by human law}
has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through
Galatians 5:4-6
So DOING all these things Christ commanded us to do are a result of our love for Him and our gratitude for His saving grace, not the other way around.

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