Monday, September 1, 2008

September 1 Savings

Get Ready...Get Set...GO! September kind of snuck up on me as I was away over the weekend, but today, Labor Day, is the official start to the September Savings Challenge. Are you ready? I am ready to learn as I go, blog honestly about the challenges and choices, and respond to your comments and suggestions. I hope the "ways to save" already posted will give you some ideas and that each family will think of more ways they can save money for a worthy cause by making some different choices.  In each of my entries, I'll do a quick summary of the day's savings/choices and I encourage you to respond with your comments of your progress/roadblocks/lessons learned. Thanks for contributing!

Spending: I rode home from visiting my sister/niece with my mom today and made a pit stop at DQ. I spent $1.79 on an ice cream cone.

Instead of:  I normally would have spent $3.09 on a blizzard and if I drove by myself this weekend, today's trip would have cost $30 in gas.

Sept. 1 Savings: $1.30 for the DQ choice, $30 for the free ride from mom (Thanks!). Total: $31.30

Bonus: I was also tempted to buy fast food for supper, but waited to get home to eat Pizza/Pasta Casserole and salad with DH.


Life of the Lorenzens said...

You're off to a great start--especially with the gas savings! Isn't it depressing when you actually do the calculations? I'll be saving this coming weekend by carpooling with Candace, but we'll still probably split 50/50.

I sat down and made a menu plan for almost the whole month last night, and I'm going grocery shopping this morning. I'm pretty confident with my list/plan. It's the milk that's gonna kill me! I'll keep you posted. :o)

MT said...

Way to go Courtney! Great start. I am thinking of ways and have my jar ready - I didn't think about decorating it - maybe that's a good project for Kate. :) Thanks for all your work with this. I know we appreciate it - all of our small-group members do!