I have to admit I am pretty tired tonight. Getting ready and baking for the garage sale has taken most of my energy. I couldn't decide what to "save" today since I didn't spend any money and packed my lunch for noon and night again today. I also set up the bread machine to make some Parmesan Pepper bread (my fav), but I don't think it saves any money over store bought, just tastes better. So, for my savings today, I'll pick a few random garage sale items that add up to about 10% of the day's sales.
Investment: Gathering unwanted items from home and from my parent's basement.
Instead of: Gathering dust or filling up the dumpster
Savings: I sold a pair of shoes that hurt my feet for $2, a "Doon Elevator, Doon, IA" thermos my dad got free for $1 (FIRST ITEM SOLD!). I also sold a Jars of Clay and DC Talk CD for $1 each to a mom who accidentally threw away her son's old CDs and is searching garage sales to replace them. Total: $5 (10% of the $47 I made today)
Bonus: I'm getting rid of tons of stuff and it's fun to do something with my co-workers outside of the office. Come to our sale if you live near Sioux Center! We're right behind the Family Table (go around the block) and are open again Thurs. 5:30-8 and Friday 9-6:30.
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