How much do you normally spend on your hair in a month? cut? color? highlights and lowlights? salon-quality styling products? I've done all of the above, but got out of the habit of cutting and coloring when I grew my hair long in the past few years. After I cut off 10"+ this summer to donate to Locks of Love, my inverted bob now needs more regular trims and styling products. But, I'm learning to make do with Aussie mousse and hairspray instead of Aquage and Kenra. This month I decided to refrain from buying any products for my hair or going to the salon. It's a weird in-between stage at this length, but it'll work for a few more weeks.
Another tip: Shop around for in-home salons or small-town storefronts and you'll spend a lot less than the city! If you're still spending a ton on salon visits, consider checking out local beauty schools. You can get cuts, colors, manicure, waxing for a lot less and there are instructors checking over the students' work the whole time. When my friend was going to Le Mars Beauty College, I always went there for highlights and cuts and it was a lot of fun!
Instead of: Paying for a shampoo, trim and style.
Savings: $12
Bonus: The extra length allows me to wear a ponytail if needed and I can try new styles in this growing-out stage.
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